Haunted by the Ghost of Your Predecessor|Conducting Interviews and Appraisals|There’s a New Team Member|Setting Objectives|You Want to Offer Praise|Criticizing a Team Member’s Work|Someone’s Not Doing What You Need|Someone Resists Change|A Team Member is Uncooperative|A Team Member is Late|People are Wasting Time Online|Generations Clash|There’s Conflict Between Team Members|You’re Asked to Host a Meeting

Course Description

The ability to clearly and effectively communicate is critical to a manager’s success. This course features 14 lessons from the What To Say When series on workplace communication. These particular vignettes focus on issues managers might experience in the workplace. Each short vignette presents a common communication dilemma, and Human Resource expert, Hugh Murray, shares the communication strategies and tactics for dealing with the issue. The manager collection covers issues related to taking lead of a new team, setting objectives and goals for employees, dealing with conflict between team members, and providing feedback and recognition. Each lesson in this course features a narrative example, demonstrating the right and wrong way to handle a problem.