What is RCRA?|Lists of Hazardous Wastes|Characteristic Hazardous Wastes|Employee Training|Definitions of Small and Large Quantity Generators|Satellite Accumulation Areas|Safe Handling of Storage Containers|Central Storage Area Requirements|Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TDSF’s)|The Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest|Information Contained in the Hazardous Waste Manifest|Waste Minimization Procedures|Conclusion
Course Description
This video training course is for all employees to learn about the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA). This training educates viewers about the different rules for large and small quantity hazardous waste generators. RCRA rules cover handling, accumulation and storage area rules. This video explains the different lists and characteristics of hazardous wastes. Viewers learn what types of training employees should have. Use this video to teach employees about the RCRA rules for Hazardous Waste Generators.