Introduction|Sprains and Strains Defined|Common Causes of Sprains and Strains|Known Soft Tissue Injury Risk Factors|Treatment of Sprains and Strains|Ergonomically Modifying the Jobsite|Effective Soft Tissue Injury Prevention Program|Warm Up and Posture Relief Stretching Program|Stretching Safely|Neutral Posture Benefits|How To Relieve Common Stressful Postures|Supplements for Joint Health|Early Intervention

Course Description

Many people suffer from sprains and strains, which can lead to scar tissue, arthritis, and disability. This safety training video features Dr. Richard Bunch, a physical therapist and ergonomics specialist, who presents a comprehensive overview of how sprains and strains happen and what can be done to prevent or relieve them. Dr. Bunch explains the importance of muscle preparation before physical activity and introduces his on-the-job stretching program called WUPR, which stands for Warm Up and Posture Relief. This course also illustrates how ergonomics, which includes the use of back supports, cushioned floor mats, computer monitors elevated to eye level, and many other practices, helps reduce injuries. This course teaches employees how to prevent, as well as how to manage, sprains and strains. Learn how to safely prepare yourself for physical exertion by watching this safety training video.