Introduction|Electrocution|Types of Electrocution Hazards|Power Lines and GFCI’s|Tools, Cords and Lock-!Out/Tag-Out|Review
Course Description
The first in a two part series, this Video On Demand training lesson covers the major types of electrocution hazards you may encounter in a construction environment and how you can avoid them. Some of these dangers include power lines and GFCI’s, but other, more mundane, hazards may include power tools and cords. Electrocution can cause serious injuries, and in some cases, even death. This is why it is it critical to not only know the dangers you may be facing, but also how to avoid them. Being safe while on the job is important, regardless of the type of work you do. But you need to know how to be safe, and with this comes needing to know the risks you may face. Understand these dangers through the material presented here and learn how to avoid electrical hazards at your job site.